
November 11, 2009

Happy Hour: Simply Soda & Spirits

by Payman Bahmani

Perhaps you were thinking that the cocktails presented here in Happy Hour are too fussy. And perchance you wondered if there are drinks you could make that could astonish your tastebuds without inducing exhaustion from the process. You do, after all, have lots to do until the end of the year–plan the Thanks-stealing menu, prepare […]

September 9, 2009

Happy Hour: Parkway Punch

by Payman Bahmani

Another Labor Day has come and gone. Although summer doesn’t technically end until sometime around mid-September, many generally regard Labor Day as the finish line. This is especially true in New York, where the holiday is regarded as seriously as the expiration date on a carton of milk–here, the prep set make their final Hamptons […]

August 26, 2009

Happy Hour: Endless Summer

by Payman Bahmani

Since childhood, the end of summer has always made me a little sad. I grew up in Los Angeles, so it wasn’t so much about the weather since the weather wouldn’t shift much after Labor Day the way it does here in New York. Rather, it was about the change of the feeling in the […]

August 19, 2009

Happy Hour: The Painkiller

by Payman Bahmani

*This post was updated on June 16, 2011, as it relates to Pusser’s vs. Painkiller. I’ve never been a big believer in alternative medicine. While there are centuries-old practices like acupuncture–and even relatively new ones like chiropracty–that seem to deliver on what they promise, I can’t really get down with all the new-age therapies that […]

August 12, 2009

Happy Hour: Mai Tai

by Payman Bahmani

The Mai Tai is one of the most important and enduring drinks in the continuum of the American cocktail–it is an indelible piece of the ever-changing mosaic called “Americana.” That it instantly conjures images of tropical sunsets, surfboards, and other props fitting for the mis en scene of Beach Blanket Bingo is the reason it […]

July 29, 2009

Happy Hour: Cuba Libre

by Payman Bahmani

Our month long jaunt into the world of classic Cuban cocktails concludes this week with the most famous yet simplest of them all, the Cuba Libre. Named in honor of Cuba’s struggle for independence from Spain, “Cuba libre!” or “free Cuba!” was the battle cry of Cubans seeking freedom from Spanish rule, whose centuries-old grip […]

July 22, 2009

Happy Hour: The Mojito

by Payman Bahmani

Yes indeed, the Mojito is finally making its Happy Hour debut. You may have wondered what took so long–ok, so maybe you don’t ponder the decision-making process of Happy Hour columns in your spare time, but I’ll tell you anyway. I was waiting for the heat of the NYC summer to really unleash itself before […]

July 15, 2009

Happy Hour: Hotel Nacional

by Payman Bahmani

Last week I shared with you the history and recipe of one of the most refreshing cocktails on the planet (in my humble opinion), the Daiquiri. Last Sunday, as I was sitting out on my Brooklyn balcony (read fire escape) and throwing one back I thought to myself, the readers deserve more Daiquiri action! So […]

July 8, 2009

Happy Hour: The Daiquiri

by Payman Bahmani

It is difficult to think of a classic cocktail that has gone through as many unflattering permutations–to the point where nearly all resemblance to the original has vanished–as the Daiquiri. That the word Daiquiri instantly conjures images of umbrella-laden, too-sweet-for-consumption slushees served to retirees on cruise ships only punctuates this point, since this modern-day mutation […]

June 24, 2009

Happy Hour: Gin & June Part 4, Sloe Gin

by Payman Bahmani

Previous:Gin & June Part 1, London Dry & Plymouth GinsGin & June Part 2, GeneverGin & June Part 3, Old Tom Gin For the fourth and final installment of Gin & June, I’ve decided that sloe is the way to goe. I am, of course, referring to sloe gin. Of all the gins discussed this […]