
October 5, 2011

Skankynavia: Lesbian Birthday

by Anders Arhoj

Lesbians. What a wonderful and exotic breed. Much less visible or loud in the public space than gay men, but definitely not dull. Have you talked to your lesbian co-worker today? Maybe you should. Ask her about her cat (she probably just adopted one more), her advice on great kitty litter shopping deals (buy in bulk) […]

September 21, 2011

Skankynavia: Iri Iri Pan Pan (Beef + Eggs Over Rice)

by Anders Arhoj

Most people think the Japanese eat sushi for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fact is, most of their diet is something entirely different. Like iri iri pan pan for example: rice, beef, eggs and peas. It’s a super easy dish which has an undertone of sugary sweetness crashing with the crunchy peas. – Served very hot […]

September 14, 2011

Skankynavia: Torvehallerne: A New Farmer’s Market in Copenhagen

by Anders Arhoj

Yay, there’s finally a real farmer’s market in Copenhagen! After decades of supermarket deathbore, a new race of DIY vendors, small farmers, honey harvesters and local produce hippies will show up in their home-built vans with truckloads of cheap, fresh, delicious and organic fruits of the earth, and deliver the goods our generation has been […]

August 31, 2011

Skankynavia: Copenhagen Onigiri (A Tribute to Tokyo)

by Anders Arhoj

My city has experienced the wettest summer in the recorded weather history of Denmark. Just this morning I woke up to a two hour thunderstorm with the most insane cracks, blitzes and a mustard yellow hazy sky. It felt like some aliens were landing on the planet in giant yellow spaceships. Unfortunately they didn’t, and […]

August 24, 2011

Skankynavia: Miso Dip

by Anders Arhoj

I’ve become addicted to miso. You know, that Japanese brown and weird looking paste consisting of fermented rice, soybeans, salt and the fungus kōjikin. Or at least that is the most traditional recipe, but miso can be found across Asia in many different forms and flavours. Outside Japan miso is mostly known as the main […]

August 17, 2011

Skankynavia: The Open-Faced Sandwich at Aamanns (CPH)

by Anders Arhoj

You either hate them or you love them–the open-faced sandwich. Most Danes love them, it’s what they’ve eaten since they stopped being breastfed. But of all the foreign friends I have enjoyed a traditional Danish lunch with, around  50% have left most of the food on the table. Perhaps it was too different in taste […]

August 10, 2011

Skankynavia: Hiker’s Kitchen

by Anders Arhoj

Cooking at home in your kitchen is so housewifey. Real men cook in nature. Especially when it’s summer, and your garden is full of edible food which is the case with my friends C&A. I blogged about our Sunday Forest Lunch last year with them, and a few days ago I took a trip with […]

August 3, 2011

Skankynavia: Kærnemælkskoldskål (Danish Dairy Delight)

by Anders Arhoj

Let’s start this post by trying to pronounce its title. Easy, no? The Danish language is in a league of its own. Imagine a gurgling sound, the deep noise of a drunk blond viking with too much mead in his mouth. While Americans speak with the front of their mouth, Danes create the words way […]

July 27, 2011

Skankynavia: Siciliansk Is is Sicilian Ice Cream (CPH)

by Anders Arhoj

Italian ice cream, especially from Sicily, has this smooth, creamy texture which you can eat with a spatula. It’s gorgeous, sexy and slimy. In the best way. Ice cream in Danish is called “is” as in ice–meaning we call that slippery cold frozen water stuff for is as well. Meaning denotes from the colloquial, like […]

July 20, 2011

Skankynavia: My Japanify Diet

by Anders Arhoj

This is a personal post about being lost in culinary hell and finding the path home again with a little help from my Japanese friends. In case someone out there might be in the same situation that I was in, I hope this helps and inspires. If I sound like a self-holy, born-again foodie asshole […]