ReCPY takes you through the Japan-inflected world of baking and cooking, with a distinct Yamahomo accent.

Yamahomo is based in NYC. He prefers to stay in the kitchen all weekend long rather than going outside.

March 14, 2011

ReCPY: Martha, You WANT Me

by Moto Yamamoto

Before I go into this week’s tear-jerking post, I am fortunate to tell you that all my peeps in Japan are fine, but my thoughts are with everyone who is affected by the earthquake. This is truly awful, sad, and devastating for all of us. Japan may be well-equipped to handle the situation technologically, but […]

March 7, 2011

ReCPY Redux: Peking Duck

by Moto Yamamoto

About a year ago, Dickson’s Farm opened up a shop in Chelsea Market and I often go there to get my meat. It’s fresh, and sometimes you can see the guys butchering huge chunks of cow. It’s nice to buy meat where you can see it being cut up. Also, their prices are pretty decent […]

February 28, 2011

ReCPY: MOcarons

by Moto Yamamoto

My MO-obsession (baking with rice flour) has returned, and this time, it’s the MOcaron. Now that I know exactly what to do when it comes to macaron-making, substituting almond flour with other ingredients is not that hard. Having said that, I had no idea whether rice flour would work. Since the first recipe I used […]

February 21, 2011

ReCPY: Kabocha Gnocchi

by Moto Yamamoto

I’ve tried making gnocchi in the past, but the whole thing dissolved while boiling, so it was a complete failure. Since then, I haven’t even thought about making it again. A few weeks ago, I pondered what I would make for a small gathering. I really wanted to eat beef stroganoff. I looked around for […]

February 14, 2011

Battle ReCPY: Madeleines, Take II (Marta + Madeleine)

by Moto Yamamoto

PREFACE: Battle ReCPY: Madeleines (Mary Ann + Marcus) Valentine’s Day is so overrated. Why do people pay extra for red roses? Why do you have to buy new lingerie? WTF is up with all the chocolate? I don’t understand what’s so romantic about today–it’s just a regular Monday to me. Us consumers are so manipulated […]

February 7, 2011

Battle ReCPY: Madeleines (Mary Ann + Marcus)

by Moto Yamamoto

Since I got a nice Williams-Sonoma gift card for the holidays, I went there to hunt for things I wanted, but didn’t necessarily need. Aside from multi-color paper muffin cups for my MOffins and new sheet pans for my macarons, I also picked up a madeleine pan. I don’t know why but the shiny pan, […]

January 31, 2011

ReCPY: Yamahomo Brand Ramen (and NYC Event PSA)

by Moto Yamamoto

When I was in Japan last month, I visited the Shinyokohama Ramen Museum. Yes, there is a museum that is devoted to ramen. As kitschy as it may sound, it was actually a lot of fun. The lower level was set up like seedy downtown Tokyo in the 1960’s  (下町 or Shitamachi), with a bunch […]

January 24, 2011

ReCPY: The Yamahomo Knife from Aritsugu Shop (Kyoto)

by Moto Yamamoto

Since seeing Michael Romano’s collections of Japanese knives (many were around $1,000, but some were custom made and cost him $5,000, which he displays, never uses) at one of the programs I organized last fall, I determined the need to graduate from my Global knives. I mean, I like them– they are basic and cuts […]

January 17, 2011

ReCPY: Just Another New Year in Rural Japan

by Moto Yamamoto

I am from a town so rural, you wouldn’t believe it. Although Japan is portrayed as a metropolitan, clean, and simple city to Westerners, that’s not how real Japan is all about. Whenever I say I am from Japan, first thing people usually ask is, “are you from Tokyo?” This is pretty stupid, since it’s […]

January 10, 2011

ReCPY: Chicken Sashimi Fest

by Moto Yamamoto

“HELP! I ate three bites of raw chicken, am I going to get sick?!” “I had chicken for dinner but it was pink. I ate it, but I am worried now. What should I do?” “Warning: FDA strongly advises chicken to be cooked completely before consumption.” These are what comes up on Google when you […]