
May 12, 2010

Happy Hour: Chinese Bootlegger Punch

by Payman Bahmani

New York has always been a great city, but this week its greatness gets bumped up a notch, as the first annual Manhattan Cocktail Classic rolls into town, along with some of the country’s best and brightest mixological minds.  Accurately described as “part fête, part conference, part cocktail party,” it will be a balls-to-the-wall 5-day orgy […]

April 22, 2010

How To Japanify: Preparing and Drinking Sencha

by Yoko Kumano

Every time I would go to someone’s house in Tokyo, they would likely offer me sencha before I even settled onto my zabuton or chair. Sencha is made by steaming green tea leaves, shaped into thin rolls, dried and then pan-fried or fired to lock-in the flavor. Pretty common in the U.S. as well, most […]

November 17, 2009

Packaging Whore: Pannikin Coffee & Tea (SD)

by Kayoko Akabori

I saw the coffee cup and stopped dead in my tracks. Best. Logo. Ever. The colors! The font! The way the logo takes up the entire length of the cup! It’s all very 1970’s punk rock meets Communist Russia. LOVIT. Pannikin is an awesome cafe in Encinitas, housed in an old train station. Their motto […]

January 15, 2008

Lemongrass Tea

by Kayoko Akabori

Fumi’s parents just got back from Cambodia and sent her lemongrass tea leaves as a gift (despite the Japanese type, it is “Made in Cambodia”). The tea is citrusy and refreshing, but also very calming. I read that it is good for digestion, and muscle pain (arthritis), balances oily skin, and is used as an […]

June 24, 2007

“Expect the Best”: My New Mantra

by UM Guest

By Jane Stillwater I was raised in the most Republican town in Northern California. Very early on in life I learned to always expect the worst. And guess what? The worst always arrived — like clockwork. Now I’ve gots a new view on life — “Expect the best!” That’s the new me. Do we have […]

March 4, 2007

Itoen Jasmine Tea

by Yoko Kumano

It seems that every week, there’s a new drink which quietly sneaks up on you by simply showing up, unannounced, in your local vending machine. Japan is a culture of vending machine drinks. Apparently there’s one vending machine for every four people. So, keeping these machines profitable – means lots and lots of drinks – […]