Author Archives: Moto Yamamoto

June 7, 2011

Upcoming Event PSA: The Japanese Grill (NYC)

by Moto Yamamoto

The Japanese Grill: A Whole New Level of Summer Favorites Thursday, June 16 @ 6:30 pm Japan Society, NYC You may think grilling is a signature American summertime sport, but it has been used in Japanese cuisine for a very long time as well. Unlike babyback ribs, burgers, or dogs, Japanese grilling has much more […]

June 6, 2011

ReCPY: Barbie Doll Cake

by Moto Yamamoto

I am sure you have been wondering for a week what the hell I was going to do with Barbie doll.  I must say, this journey was one of the most hilarious baking experiences I’ve ever gone through. I made a birthday cake for a friend of mine, let’s call him Deric Dercep, to keep […]

May 30, 2011

ReCPY: Let Them Eat Yamahomo Cake

by Moto Yamamoto

As you know, I love to bake, and I am especially fond of cakes. I do it all–classic cakes, crazy cakes, Japanese cakes, chocolate cakes, wedding cakes (trauma). I love to come up with crazy combinations, that I try to master after tweaking the recipe over and over. Over the years, I’ve posted many of […]

May 23, 2011

ReCPY: Vegetable Overdose (Kyuri No Kyu-chan + Kale Chips)

by Moto Yamamoto

I don’t know what got into me this weekend. I am a proud carnivore. I cannot live without meat, and I don’t even care if it’s “organic” or not. Food Nation didn’t scare me enough to eat only grass-fed beef or cage-free chicken. I will pretty much eat whatever meat parts are served in front […]

May 16, 2011

ReCPY: Azul Restaurant (MIA)

by Moto Yamamoto

I went to Miami for my birthday this year. I didn’t do much besides reading, lounging by the pool, drinking piña coladas, and eating. It was 90ËšF every day, sunny, dry, and my allergies disappeared while I was there. For those of you who suffer from severe allergies each spring–with stuffed-up noses, eyes and ears–the […]

May 9, 2011

ReCPY: Macaron, Not Macaroon

by Moto Yamamoto

Dear Microsoft Office (and all you other people who can’t differentiate between a macaron from a macaroon), Macaron is not a macaroon. Every time I write “macaron”, you always highlight it, suggesting I misspelled the word and replace it with “macaroon” instead. How atrocious. I am not sure how Seattle’s gourmet food scene is, but […]

May 2, 2011

ReCPY: Sous-Vide Pork at Home

by Moto Yamamoto

I am hosting a rather important dinner party with lots of opinionated eaters this weekend, so I’ve been practicing and experimenting with what I may serve. In the last year or so, whenever you go to an upscale restaurant, you always encounter sous-vide this and sous-vide that.  What is sous-vide? To explain it in simplest […]

April 28, 2011

Upcoming Event PSA: Sake Tasting for Beginners (NYC)

by Moto Yamamoto

Annual Sake Tasting & Lecture: Back to Basics! Tuesday, May 10 @ 6:30 pm Japan Society, NYC Every year, Japan Society hosts a sake lecture and tasting, inviting dozens of brewers from Japan. Over the years, we’ve covered so many topics on sake–from water, rice, milling, sake vessels, molds, to even bottling. Sake is becoming […]

April 25, 2011

ReCPY: Ramps, The Sign of Spring

by Moto Yamamoto

When you see ramps at the Greenmarket, it is a sign that spring is here. These delicacies are only available for short period of time. I discovered this awesome plant last year, and its flavor of onion, garlic, scallion, mixed all into one is very nice. When you go to upscale restaurants around this time […]

April 18, 2011

ReCPY: Double Dose of Kajitsu (NYC)

by Moto Yamamoto

I am finally back. Although the past couple of weeks have been super hectic, I had the opportunity to go to my favorite restaurant Kajitsu, twice in two weeks. At the end of March, my work held a special dinner gathering there, and I wasn’t planning on going, but at the last moment I got […]