Author Archives: Anders Arhoj

August 3, 2010

Packaging Whore: Mushroom Mountain and Beyond

by Anders Arhoj

I love food with personality. And I have the feeling it loves me back– especially in Japan. Working as a character designer, I’m a junkie for Japanese packaging which more than usual sports a happy face, a friendly helper or just an enormous surplus of humour and fun which we boring, sad people of the […]

July 27, 2010

Tokyo JUNKtion: Corpse Candy

by Anders Arhoj

It’s funny how when you mention Japan and food in the same sentence, there only seems to be two options. You can take the fabulous gourmet-cheering, sushi-adoring, heavenly-graced and experimenting Michelin-guided way. Or, you can choose the back alley into the world of eyeball-abusing, crazed up, disgustingly weird nastiness that freak the shit out of […]

July 20, 2010

Russian JUNKtion

by Anders Arhoj

Last week my mom went to Saint Petersburg and she brought me a few little goodies today. In contrast to the countries surrounding Russia, like China and India there’s really nothing good to say about the culinary qualities of the former republic. And for once I don’t think we can blame Lenin and his comrads…

October 2, 2009

Kreaming My Pants at Krispy Kreme (TYO)

by Anders Arhoj

It’s so hard not being tempted by the Japanese advertising machine. When this monster from a distant shore shifts up its gears, there is no mercy for your soul – or belly. Paired up with a genuine American product like the donut, a huge chunk of Japanese consumers seem to have caved in and lined […]

August 3, 2009

Iceland Exotica: Chocolate vs. Licorice

by Anders Arhoj

Iceland is famous for lots of things: regularly erupting volcanos, Bjork the magic Elf and hot geysers sending steaming towers of water towards the sky. And the kitchen is not falling behind these marvels. Typical for a secluded island far away from everything, they have developed their very own food style out of necessity of […]

July 9, 2009

(Un)edible Paper

by Anders Arhoj

My mom went to Paris and all I got was this lousy Edible Paper. Being a fan of everything fake and pink I had to give this a try. Everyone across the world is probably constantly wondering: How do those French supermodels keep so beautiful and fit? What on earth are they eating? Well, here’s […]