This is a whole new level of ReCPY, everyone. I’ve created many baked goods in the past, but nothing compares to this. I heard Iron Chef had an episode on natto, and Morimoto made some kind of dessert with natto soaked in Coca-Cola or something. The thought of natto mixed with something sweet made me […]
Author Archives: Moto Yamamoto
May 3, 2010
ReCPY: MO-Crazy (Coconut Rhubarb and Mango Editions)
I am still MO-ing. Just like many of my other endeavors, I have the tendency to keep tackling something until I am satisfied. I think I am nearing the end of this MO-Journey. There are endless ways to create MO-Desserts, and as I said last week, you can substitute regular flour with rice flour for […]
April 26, 2010
ReCPY: CreMO Brulee
My obsession with rice flour continues. As I mentioned in my last post, I think I can substitute flour with rice flour for any recipe. It may be too subtle to taste the difference for some, but others are very distinctive, such as MOffins. Warning: if you don’t like sticky textures, you may not like […]
April 19, 2010
ReCPY: MOffin Follow-Up (x3)
Sorry for disappearing for so long since my last post– had a couple of weeks full of extreme work situations. Having said that, I still bake every weekend, but just haven’t have time to post any of it. Since I found the delightful MOffin recipe, I’ve been obsessed with rice flour. The texture, as well […]
April 3, 2010
j-CATION: Taste Japan on April 10 (NYC)
For those who are itching to go to Japan but can’t afford the trip or don’t have the patience for that 14-hour flight,  Japan Society is offering the next best thing: j-CATION! It’s a 12 hour mini experience of Japan and Japanese culture without leaving NYC. From  game show-style contests, music, film, and a variety […]
March 1, 2010
ReCPY: Mochi + Muffin = MOffin
I once saw a recipe on Tastespotting using rice flour instead of regular flour to make muffins. I tried making them and gave them all away, without even try one. The lucky person who tasted it told me I should sell them. A long time has passed since then, and I decided to make them […]
February 26, 2010
Fridgin’ Out: Yamahomo’s Mama (JPN)
Why do all mothers pack their fridge so much? You might remember Kayoko’s mother’s fridge that took her three posts to dig up, and my mom’s fridge was just as packed. Is it the war they experienced that makes them keep everything, even the tiniest bit? In Japan, the “mottainai” (“it’s a shame to throw […]
February 23, 2010
ReCPY: Fish in a Blanket (Chikuwa Pan)
In Japan, there are a LOT of food items you can only find in a specific to a town, city, or area. ã”当地グルメ or “local gourmet food” items are something tourists must get when they visit the area. Some of the foods are too weird to ever become popular, and others get national attention, becoming […]
February 8, 2010
Ibu Oka: THAT Suckling Pig Place (Bali)
Ibu Oka is one of the most famous food joints on the entire island of Bali– located in a touristy area of Ubud, Ibu Oka serves some of the best suckling pig. Anthony Bourdain has been here, as have many other food celebrities. Since we stayed around Kuta, the drive was about an hour. I […]
February 2, 2010
Report from Bali
I took my mom to Bali in December. I loved it. Being a visitor is good, since I didn’t have to deal with too much local crap. Bali, although thought to be one of the best resort islands, is yet a developing country. My friend Tonny and Corey moved there, and they have a fabulous […]