
December 5, 2012

Ask Sushi Kuni: Usuzukuri

by Kayoko Akabori

Uzuzukuri is one of my favorite preprations of sashimi. Kuni (my dad) would make this for very special occasions growing up, usually New Year’s Day or Thanksgiving. It is so gorgeous that you almost feel bad eating it. But not that bad. The word usuzukuri derives from 薄い (usui, or thin), meaning fish that is sliced thinly. […]

October 16, 2012

MOTOism: Let’s Fillet a Fluke

by Moto Yamamoto

Fish is still something a lot of people are scared of in the States. Heads, guts, scales, filleting — there are a lot of processes involved before you can eat a piece of fish. It is the same process for meat or poultry, and I am sure butchers go through a lot of steps to serve […]