
December 31, 2010

Tap This: Shmaltz Jewbelation

by CJ Mattiola

Just a day after my Holiday Beer post I came across another great holiday beer at City Beer. This one is actually a Chanukah beer! Jewbelation by Shmaltz Brewing Company is an American Strong Ale. Smaltz brewed eight different recipes for the eight days of Chanukah. I was lucky enough to try out Jewbelation 11 […]

December 17, 2010

Tap This: Holiday Brews

by CJ Mattiola

Ahhh the holidays! For me the time between Thanksgiving and New Years is always a huge rush. There’s always year end stuff to wrap up for work, on top of all the shopping and traveling. It can really burn you out. But every year I do look forward to taking a break and bellying up […]

November 23, 2010

Tap This: Beer for Turkey Day

by CJ Mattiola

Most people show up with a bottle of Chardonnay or Pinot Noir to Thanksgiving. Snore. Bring something a little different and break out a few nice beers! In fact, I have read that pilgrims drank beer, not wine, at the very first Thanksgiving. A brewery was one of the first things they set up when settlers […]

November 19, 2010

Tap This: Maui Brewing Company

by CJ Mattiola

I was lucky to be in Maui this past Labor Day weekend for a good friend’s wedding. When I got there I checked out the beers in the market and noticed a few from the locally brewed Maui Brewing Company. Since I had a few extra days I decided to check the place out. The […]

November 10, 2010

Skankynavia: Sunday Forest Lunch

by Anders Arhoj

It’s Sunday, and the weather is fantastic. I’m biking through Dyrehaven (north of Copenhagen) to visit some friends, and have a direct view across the treetops with no highways, 7-Elevens or skanky suburban straight people in sight. The air is clean and all you hear is the wind in the leaves. And, of course, the […]

November 5, 2010

Tap This: Southern Tier Pumking Ale Review

by CJ Mattiola

Everytime I head back east to visit friends and family I am always asking around to find out what good beers people have been having in the area. Some of my friends have been talking about the elusive Pumking Ale from Southern Tier Brewing Company in Lakewood, NY.  This seasonal brew has become wildly popular […]

October 14, 2010

Best of UM: Tap This: Keg It!

by Kayoko Akabori

By CJ, Umamimart’s Official Beer Scientist Originally posted on July 30, 2010 PREFACE Keg It! Part 1 Once you have all the stuff you need covered in Part One, the only thing left to do is get the beer into the keg, which is what I will be covering in this post. The process to […]

August 3, 2010

Slightly Peckish: In München

by Sakura Gooneratne

I went for a lazy summer holiday to the Bavarian capital of München to visit two school friends, both of whom I’ve known for over 20 years. Oh yes, we’ve been lazing around together since we first met at boarding school, talking and eating 24/7, and things haven’t really changed much. So going from a […]

July 30, 2010

Tap This: Keg It! (Part 2)

by CJ Mattiola

PREFACE Keg It! Part 1 Once you have all the stuff you need covered in Part One, the only thing left to do is get the beer into the keg, which is what I will be covering in this post. The process to keg your beer starts at the same point in the brewing process […]

July 22, 2010

Umamiventure #27: The Trappist (OAK)

by Kayoko Akabori

Met up with fellow Umamimartians last week at The Trappist, a Belgian beer bar in “Old” Oakland, downtown. I made SF folks come out to the East Bay– and they actually did! On a school night! Such trickery. The thing is, The Trappist is so much more than just a specialty beer bar. Oh, so […]