Eat Out

March 24, 2008

Deal of the Year

by Kayoko Akabori

Dear Poor New Yorkers,Please do yourself a favor and go to Blue Ribbon Sushi this week for dinner during Brooklyn Restaurant Week. For $23, you get a seaweed salad, this below, and green tea ice cream. No joke, this is the best deal you will get all year. I do this every year- sometimes twice […]

March 19, 2008

A Night Out at Babbo, Pt. II

by Kayoko Akabori

Preface: A Night Out at BabboCalifornia Soul: Osteria Mozza (LA) To celebrate Christi’s bday the other night, we went to Babbo. I would be too embarrassed to blog this–regularly patronizing such the hype machine that Batali is–but the food was just too good not to share with you. We walked in without a reservation- figured […]

March 12, 2008

“It’s Fried!”

by Kayoko Akabori

Went to Elias Corner for Fish the other night- a reputable Greek seafood joint in Queens that Aya wrote about a few months back. It was awesome! Aside from the soft, char-grilled octopus, the gooey garlic musselfest, and the plethora of grilled fishes we ordered (red snapper, salmon, the kickass monkfish), my favorite part of […]

February 22, 2008

Umamiventure #7 : Pacificana, Sunset Park

by Elly Perkins

This past Sunday we intrepid Umami Marters made the trek to Sunset Park for an Umamiventure visit to famed Chinese joint Pacificana. Although Pacificana is best known for dim sum, we threw caution to the winds and reserved a table for dinner. Waving aside the free (maybe? we weren’t sure…) soda awaiting us at our […]

February 6, 2008

Gift This: Kyotofu for Vday

by Kayoko Akabori

Valentines Day is coming up (BARF), and while I am usually cynical about this day, you can win me over with a box of yummy treats from Kyotofu. I’m so easy! As Sonja reviewed in December, Kyotofu is a cutesy little restaurant specializing in nouveau t0fu in the unexpected neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan. […]

January 31, 2008

Katsuhama Lunch

by Kayoko Akabori

We took our colleague David out for lunch yesterday cause he’s jumping ship. Sad for us he’s leaving, but happy cause we used it as an excuse to make a little excursion to Katsuhama. You see, I work all the way on 1st avenue in midtown, which means that it has to be a pretty […]

January 28, 2008

Umamiventure #6: Jackson Diner

by Kayoko Akabori

Trekked out to Jackson Heights on Saturday for our monthly Umamiventure- a food field trip that we take to cult-following foodie places all around the 5 boroughs (that the DOH wouldn’t necessarily recommend). After all the hoo-hawing about the Indian food at Jackson Diner, I thought that this would be a good opportunity to check […]

January 23, 2008

Reporting from Craft Bar

by Moto Yamamoto

Damn, Kayoko, you went to the real one? Well, I went to the cheapo version of Craft for lunch today. Yep, I took 2 hour lunch break, and felt great! Out of many restaurants that participates in RW, we thought this place had the most varieties of choices. They had 10 appetizers to choose from, […]

Dessert at Craft

by Kayoko Akabori

By now, you must know that I’m a Restaurant Week (RW) fanatic- I try to go to at least one fancy place that I haven’t been to during RW (the nicer places only offer the lunch deal, which at $25, is a much better deal than dinner’s $35). This again defies my rule of blogging […]

January 18, 2008

Pies ‘n Thighs Manifesto: A Response

by Kayoko Akabori

To respond to a few heated DOH supporting comments in the PnT post, I just want to address a few things. I don’t think that it’s wrong to want a clean environment for your food. However, I think that there is a grave misconception by the DOH and the DOH supporters in general, which is […]