
December 31, 2013

The Vin Vivant: Fat Belly, Tiny Bubbles

by Audrey Luk

When Old Man Winter’s icy digit stops mercury from rising, I am reminded of a traveler I met in Argentina, a Canadian middle-school teacher who once ran sled dogs. It was so cold in Saskatchewan that when he and the dogs returned to their cabin after a day of skittering across the tundra, he dropped […]

March 12, 2013

Upcoming Event: Lease-Signing Party!

by Kayoko Akabori

In August, Tomo gifted us a daruma to celebrate the opening of Umami Mart. It is tradition to draw in one eyeball when you receive it while making a wish, then fill in the other when the wish comes true. Our wish was to sign a lease in six months. And we did it! We […]