Umami Map

November 18, 2013

Umami Map: Where to Buy Shochu in the Bay Area

by Kayoko Akabori

UPDATED 11/19/13, 8:47pm We get a lot of phone calls about where to buy shochu in the Bay Area. I love talking to people about this — as you know, we are here to spread the shochu gospel here at Umami Mart. So here’s a definitive list of where to go for your shochu needs. […]

July 11, 2013

Road Trip to LA!

by Yoko Kumano

Everytime I go to LA, I like it more than the last time. I didn’t really like LA as a teenager… maybe it was because I would have rather been blasting Head Like A Hole in my bedroom with the curtains drawn all day. The friendly people and cute palm trees were probably too cheery […]