
August 18, 2010

Skankynavia: The Mile High (Dining) Club

by Anders Arhoj

I have a friend (let’s call him Mr. X) who’s both a Japanophile and a shopaholic. Not that this is a bad thing – the combination means that his apartment is a treasure chamber of Japanese collector’s items, beautifully rustic ceramics and a kitchen swollen with all kinds of Tokyo food imports. Mr. X used […]

August 11, 2010

Skankynavia: The Art of Growing Shiso

by Anders Arhoj

I am not a gardener. I have no interest in physical labour, no patience for watching stuff grow and I’m always too busy for watering. But after spending one year looking at a pack of Japanese Shiso leaf seeds I got from Yoko (a pure shisoholic) I had to cave in and try it out […]