Wedding Cake Trials

April 9, 2013

Flashback Fave: Ryohei aka MOTOism + Yamahomo

by Kayoko Akabori

When I asked MOTO what his most memorable post would be, he immediately replied back with: “It’s always wedding cake post for me. The amount of practice and trial and error it all took… yet the worst case scenario at the end was so priceless. I still vividly remember my conversation with Kayoko when we […]

March 23, 2009

The Wedding: Tear, Swear and Despair

by Moto Yamamoto

     Preface: Wedding Cake Perfection – Trial 1 Wedding Cake Perfection – Trials 2 & 3 Wedding Cake Perfection – Trial 4 Wedding Cake Perfection – Final Trial The day came, and went. The reception was wonderful, the couple looked very cute as you can see, food was good, and I got completely wasted. That’s […]

March 17, 2009

Wedding Cake Perfection – Final Trial

by Moto Yamamoto

Preface: Wedding Cake Perfection – Trial 1 Wedding Cake Perfection – Trials 2 & 3 Wedding Cake Perfection – Trial 4 I was going to practice piping last weekend, but it’s kind of useless doing it on a flat surface. The difficulty of piping lies in the fact that you mostly pipe on sides. As […]

March 2, 2009

Wedding Cake Perfection – Trial 2 & 3

by Moto Yamamoto

After the initial trial, I learned a lot from all the comments (big thanks to Chef the City!) and decided to try different options. Instead of trying everything, I focused primarily on icing this weekend. As you saw from the last post, the cake didn’t rise well, so I made one following the recipe precisely. […]

February 26, 2009

Wedding Cake Perfection – Trial 1

by Moto Yamamoto

Tmonkey and Ayagwa are getting hitched in March!!! But listening to them talk about their big day and planning was way too painful for me. “I will wear jeans, and Tmonkey will wear a Star Trek costume,” or “We don’t need any proceedings, we can just go with the flow and maybe it will become […]