
June 24, 2011

Jerkey’s Korner: The Formaggio of Firenze

by Sarah Fatemi

I’m really glad we made it to Florence before the Jersey Invasion dropped a gang of guidettes into the birthplace of Michelangelo. Although I’m sure they feel quite at home amongst the various Guess stores and Footlockers, I was disappointed that there is no legitimate shopping in this city. But I did have two of […]

June 20, 2011

Culinography: Edam Cheese in Edam

by Erin Gleeson

On my recent trip to Holland, we visited the adorable little town of Edam, and I got to try some genuine Edam cheese. This salad was covered with aged Edam cheese, pecans and roasted cherry tomatoes. Photo by Erin Gleeson.

June 10, 2011

Jerkey’s Korner: Under the Tuscan Sun + Moon

by Sarah Fatemi

There’s nothing more gag-inducing to me than Diane Lane in Under the Tuscan Sun, yet there is nothing that made me feel more like Diane Lane than actually being “under the Tuscan sun”. Ok, I admit. I did fantasize about buying a rundown villa, driving to the beach in my vintage Karmann Ghia, making embarrassing […]

April 22, 2011

India, My Ex-Lover

by Kayoko Akabori

I woke up the other morning with an intense desire to travel. I had sworn off traveling for 2011, as it is the Year of Important Weddings (my two best friends, both in the same year!) and I want to devote myself (and my bank account) to them. Plus, I thought I wanted to take […]

March 23, 2011

Skankynavia: Bangin’ Cock Delish (Bangkok)

by Anders Arhoj

I’ve fallen in love with the Bangin’ Cock, aka Bangkok, the frantic and exotic capital of Thailand. Just returned home to the rather chilly degrees of Copenhagen from a sensual 33ËšC, and I severely miss the hot sticky nights, tall palm trees, weird exotic birds, first class pool swimming–and most importantly, the almost hilarious abundance […]

July 5, 2010

Culinography: Israeli Breakfast (TLV)

by Erin Gleeson

Perhaps my two favorite things in the world are beaches and breakfast- both of which are amazing in Tel Aviv. Pretty much anywhere you go you can find “Israeli Breakfast” which consists of the following standard combo: – Eggs (however you want them, including omelet) – A few types of cheeses (usually some sort of […]

February 2, 2010

Report from Bali

by Moto Yamamoto

I took my mom to Bali in December. I loved it. Being a visitor is good, since I didn’t have to deal with too much local crap. Bali, although thought to be one of the best resort islands, is yet a developing country. My friend Tonny and Corey moved there, and they have a fabulous […]

February 11, 2009

Japan Bento Report: Kiyoken Shumai

by Kayoko Akabori

If you have a big trip involving a shinkansen (bullet train) in Japan, you will inevitably run into the question of which bento to buy for your lunch or dinner for the train ride. Katsu? Eel? Gyoza? Grilled fish???? This is a big thing for Japanese people, as we are always asking ourselves, “What do […]

June 18, 2008

Street Food in Indonesia

by UM Guest

Hi, I am writing a bit of my personal sharing about food that we had during our recent trip to Indonesia. Attached pictures were taken by Antonius Lo (my husband). If you are interested, Antonius’ works can be viewed through his professional photography website, or his Flickr page. I hope you enjoy. Cheers, Jennie +++ […]

June 21, 2007


by Hua Hsu

I’ve just come back from a brief vacation to Paris and Berlin–I rarely vacation, so upon returning I’ve regaled everyone I’ve spoken to with the dreadfully banal, I-see-the-world-anew!-type minutiae familiar to anyone who has attended college and encountered–in the words of one friend tired of my anecdotes–“that annoying kid who studies abroad for a semester […]