
December 8, 2008

Wakuden: A Century Old Culinary Tradition in Kyoto

by Kayoko Akabori

Here is quite possibly my most memorable meal in Japan. At least it’s one that I often have been contemplating, recalling the presentation and flavors of that mystical meal overlooking Kyoto (ahhhh). Famed Kyoto restaurant Wakuden has been around for something like a century, and recently opened another outlet on the 11th floor of the […]

November 14, 2008

In Japan Now: Postcard From Kyoto

by Kayoko Akabori

Sorry I have not been posting! I was staying at my aunt’s where i couldn’t get an internet signal this last week. Just got into Kyoto yesterday- it’s such a vibrant, artful town, full of color and excellent food. The coffee shop culture here is unreal! More on that later. For now, here’s a picture […]

July 29, 2008

The Most Beautiful Cafe in the World (Kyoto)

by Irwin Chen

If you know me, you won’t be put off by the title, because you will know I am prone to hyperbole and you will know that my hyperbole is usually in jest. In this case, however, I am utterly sincere. What I didn’t know about Kyoto, a city renowned for its beautiful temples, was that […]